Immune System and IHHT

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Sustainably Strengthen Your Immune System

Neuhausen-Nymphenburg ยป Immune System and IHHT

IHHT (Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Training) is an innovative cellular training method that offers scientifically proven health benefits. It can provide relief, particularly for persistent symptoms following illnesses like Post- and Long-Covid. IHHT helps the body recover from infections such as shingles, Lyme disease, or mononucleosis and boosts the immune system to fend off frequent infections.

After severe infections, IHHT supports the recovery phase, improves overall health, and aids in recovery from diseases like influenza. Additionally, it can promote progress in the treatment of lung and bronchial diseases, including asthma and COPD. IHHT provides holistic support for restoring and strengthening health.
