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How IHHT differs from traditional high-altitude training, sports and IHT
Neuhausen-Nymphenburg » High-Altitude Training und IHHT
Intermittent Hypoxia-Hyperoxia Therapy (IHHT) is a specialized form of oxygen training aimed at increasing the number of functional mitochondria in cells. This process leverages mitochondria’s sensitivity to fluctuations in oxygen levels to promote cell regeneration.
The fundamental mechanism of IHHT relies on cycling between lower-oxygen air (hypoxia) and higher-oxygen air (hyperoxia) in short intervals, usually a few minutes apart. These oxygen fluctuations stress damaged and aging mitochondria, leading to their breakdown. This creates space for healthy mitochondria to thrive in this environment. The long-term effect is that healthy mitochondria reproduce more quickly, enhancing cell health.
In some ways, IHHT is reminiscent of the effects of high-altitude training, sports, or IHT (Intermittent Hypoxia Therapy), where similar oxygen fluctuations occur. However, there are some differences:
- Unlike IHT, IHHT introduces additional hyperoxia phases, resulting in more significant variations in blood oxygen saturation. This places higher stress on damaged mitochondria and allows healthy mitochondria to reproduce more effectively.
- Unlike sports, IHHT does not lead to the formation of lactic acid (lactate) in muscles, counteracting tissue acidosis.
- IHHT requires no physical exertion and is suitable for individuals who are unable to engage in conventional sports. This makes it an intriguing option for people looking to boost their endurance and resilience without engaging in physical activities.
However, it is crucial to emphasize that IHHT should not be considered a replacement for physical activities but rather as a meaningful complement to an active lifestyle.
IHHT Therapy Nearby » AIR Lounge by best.place is centrally located at Volkartstraße 29 (Neuhausen-Nymphenburg) and is easily accessible.